Kami dari PT. Data Indo Media tdk pernah mengadakan tugas-tugas atau undian-undian Grup VIP. Harap berhati-hati dg pihak-pihak yg tidak bertanggung jawab yang mengatas nama kan DIM / PT. DATA INDO MEDIA. Ini adalah sebuah Scam, Tolong diabaikan jika ada yang memberikan tugas-tugas mengatasnamakan DIM. Terima kasih !
DIM is one-stop-service place of advertising to offer digital networks and platforms. With hundreds of digital media all over Indonesia, from stations to government buildings, DIM Media will be the solution for your needs.
DIM is a digital media that delivers a network platform for clients. DIM media through digital network, clients can advertise in various locations with the target market in Indonesia.
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Our media coverage are spread through the nation wide
Station 93 spot
Hospital 48 spot
Airport 17 spot
Government 27 spot
Contact us and our experts will help you to find the solution to your advertising.
APL Tower Central Park 35th floor, Podomoro City, JL. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta 11470
(+62) 812 8007 9099
APL Tower Central Park 35th floor, Podomoro City, JL. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav. 28, Jakarta 11470